Your Guide For Moving to Dallas With Your Young Family

happy toddler in suitcase

Moving with a young family can be quite chaotic. Whether you have one small child or several, moves of this sort can be complicated, which is why you need to partner with a residential mover skilled in moves to and from Dallas. It’s imperative that you research the area well beforehand so you know you’re making the right decision. Heed these tips too!

Choosing the Right Part of Dallas

In order to fully enjoy your life as a young family in Dallas, you have to select the right neighborhood. There are several criteria to consider, such as:

  • Quality education
  • Job availability and proximity
  • Safe and secure neighborhood recommends the following neighborhoods that are great for young families:

  • Coppell
  • Frisco
  • Allen
  • University Park
  • Sienna Plantation
  • Cinco Ranch
  • Greatwood


Housing is still relatively affordable in Dallas, especially in the suburbs. The further out you get, the more affordable the homes will be. The average home value of homes in Dallas is $311,000, with values having risen 22 percent over the past year, says Zillow.

Before Your Move

Before you decide to move to Dallas with your family, heed these tips:

  • Plan ahead
  • Set up utilities
  • Manage school transcripts
  • Time your move right
  • Create an essentials moving box

Coordinate Moving Plans


Make sure everyone, even the little kids, knows about your plans to move as soon as you do. Listen to their feedback and take their feelings into consideration as well as you are able. It’s normal to get resistance, especially if you have kids who are approaching their tween and teen years. They have valid concerns, so do your best to act as a sounding board for their thoughts. Hold a family meeting to keep them in the loop.


Choose When to Move

Dallas is very hot in the summer, yet this is a time of year that many young families choose to move because it’s most convenient and least disruptive to school life. But you may not have a choice in the matter, especially if it’s due to a job relocation that has to happen fairly quickly.  No matter when you move, make sure you call a Dallas mover as soon as you know so you can book their services.

Delegate Responsibilities


Create a detailed checklist for moving and be sure to farm out tasks to each member of the family as they are able. Tasks should be age appropriate and fit them according to ability. Small children are perfectly capable of packing their stuffed animals and toys! Have each family member purge their own rooms, getting rid of junk they no longer need in the process. Your chore list may be more involved such as calling movers, switching over utilities, stopping the mail and notifying people of the new address.

Post a Moving Inventory List


Once you’ve sorted out your possessions, post a detailed inventory of all items that will be moving to the new home. Go around and snap pictures of valuables and electronics, particularly the wiring set up so you can refer to it later when they need to be put back together again.

Bring the Essentials


If you have many small children all at different ages, you know how vital it is to keep their favorite comfort items within easy reach. Bring a bag of all the essentials for each person, such as toys for the kids, toys for the pets, diapers for the babies, prescription medications, chargers, games, laptops, and a first night bag.

Hire Pros

You know better than anyone how complicated a move with a young family can be. This is why you need to hire professional movers to take care of the details and heavy lifting. Research all potential movers, ask for quotes from a few, and consider full service movers who can take care of all the details of your young family as they make the move to Dallas.

Contact Olde World Movers in Dallas

Olde World Movers specializes in moves to Dallas, so start off with a free quote when you’re looking to move your young family here. We can be reached in Fort Worth at 817-618-1557, Euless at 817-374-4316 or Frisco at 972-665-6910. You may also complete our Free Estimate form for a speedy reply or email us at